Battery Markup Language (BatML) Standard


Introduction to XML for Battery Models

XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. It was designed to transport and store data, and NOT to display the data. XML does not DO anything. It is just a markup language that enables users to structure, define, describe, organize and validate the data. It is a tool that, as any other tool, can be badly used and can thereby impede the data exchange. The goal of this CAEBAT activity is to develop an efficient markup language, BatteryML, that will improve the development, definition, accuracy, and exchange of the battery models. The project consists of development of:

  1. Data model for describing a wide range of battery models and related information such as material properties, and
  2. Tools for validation and manipulation of battery models.

The data model for battery computational models will be formulated via an XML Schema for BatteryML. The purpose of the XML Schema for BatteryML is to define the structure of BatteryML documents. It will define the legal building blocks of in battery model documents, and relations between different data objects. We will try to use the existing markup languages and schemas for related subjects, e.g. Materials Markup Language ( MatML ), Units Markup Language ( UnitsML ), Chemical Markup Language ( CML ), etc.

The validation and manipulation tools for BatteryML documents will be based on the new XML Schema. The tools will help users to describe the models and related data, validate the resulting data files and enable conversion between different formats.

The following sections, that can be accessed via the menu on the left, provide background information on XML, XML Schema, XML tools and technologies, and markup languages in the related subjects. The information consists mainly of hyperlinks to introductions and tutorials already developed, as the XML is a technology with a wide-development base and is pervading the data exchange on the Internet.